The next level of the Golf Digest Hot List is this new interactive quiz
While we firmly believe the Golf Digest Hot List should be your first step in navigating the sometimes overwhelming and constantly expanding equipment universe, we’ve long thought there is more we could do. Highlighting the elite 137 products across 10 club categories in the 2021 Hot List should get you excited about the possibilities in new equipment technology, but you don’t need all 137. Given your high right miss or your desire for low-spin in your fairway woods or your wish to personalize your wedges, which ones should you be looking at specifically?
Enter our updated Hot List Build Your Own Bag experience, a fresh interactive portion of the 2021 Golf Digest Hot List. The Hot List BYOB feature takes users through the entire collection of products in the Hot List, narrowing each category based on three binary questions in an interactive quiz that produces a smaller selection of clubs geared to your specific desires.
Click below to build your own bag:
For example, there are 52 irons on the 2021 Hot List. By answering the three questions in our Hot List BYOB, you could reduce your personal list to as few as just three.
Now, the Hot List BYOB shouldn’t be seen as anything more than an exercise to get you thinking about what’s important to you and your game. It’s the next step in finding the right clubs for your preferences, but it’s also true that how you feel about the questions can change or could produce multiple scenarios. In a way, it’s not that dissimilar to the interview process you might find when meeting with a top clubfitter, like those found in our list of America’s 100 Best Clubfitters.
With BYOB, the Hot List takes its next step forward in helping you understand how to embrace the benefits of the game’s latest technology. The result shouldn’t just be new clubs in your bag, but the right clubs.