the future of golf
A Pickle Ball, yes a Pickle Ball, is on sale NOW for your golfing pleasure

Perhaps it’s just because I’ve spent a quarter of my life in Jewish delis around the Tri-state area, but there’s no better start to a meal than with a dill pickle or a half-sour pickle or a sweet pickle or a gherkin or maybe a few of each. Stack it on your burger, sit it next to your sandwich or use it as the finishing touch on a perfect a Cubano—pickles are incredibly versatile and underrated. So, it’s only right that we have a National Pickle Day, and that holiday just so happens to be on November 14.

The deli frequenters at TaylorMade decided to drop the golf ball of the year for such a pivotal celebration. The TP5 PIX PICKLE is just what you need to keep your golf game dill-ightful, and we’re honored to let you know about it. That is, if you haven’t seen the BIG news already.
“See more ‘bite’ on the greens,” writes a clever PR rep for TaylorMade. “‘Crunch’ more drives and ‘jar’ more chips with TP5 pix™ Pickle. In case you didn’t know, this is kind of a big ‘dill’” TM also made sure to note that this golf ball is zero calories.
Editor's Note: Please do not eat this golf ball. We’re assuming you know that already, but we don’t want to be sued.
Anyway, we’ve all hit a TP5 at one point or another. Let’s keep those pristine drives coming with a few pickles etched onto the urethane.